24th September: Updated all the amplifier pages with corrected content, pdf documents, PowerPoints presentations and questions.
30th May: Added Lesson 18 all about counters
21st May: Updated all counter pages with PowerPoint and documents as well as corrections to the actual webpages. Updated binary, decade counter, BCD counter, display driver, 7-segment displays and the 4026 counter pages
20th February 2022: Lesson 17 published covering bistable circuits and D-Type flip-flop circuits. New PowerPoint added to these pages along with downloadable pdf documents and questions.
29th December: Lesson 19 published covering Schmitt inverter circuits. Schmitt inverter page updated to include switch de-bouncing
30th October: Lesson 16 published covering capacitors, RC circuits, monostables and astables
3rd September: Circuit building pages updates with documents and a new video showing how to build on protoboard (also on YouTube)
1st September: Miscellaneous GCSE specific resources added to main page - information about coursework and using Yenka software
30th August: Lesson 15 published - all about logic circuits
27th August: NAND Logic and Boolean Algebra pages updated with PowerPoint, documents, questions and Interactive White Board videos
20th August: Combinational Logic pages updated with PowerPoint, questions and videos. Links page updated
11th May: Lesson 14 published - systems approach and switches. System diagrams page updated
20th March: Diodes and LEDs PowerPoint updated. Zener diode PowerPoint added. Lesson 13 published - Diodes, LEDs and Zener diodes
25th February: MOSFET page and PowerPoint updated. Lesson 12 published - MOSFETs. Credits and Links updated
6th January 2021: Bipolar Transistor page updated. Lesson 11 uploaded - Bipolar Transistors. New Interactive White Board added, PowerPoint updated
27th December: Comparator page updated with details of current source and sink. Lesson 10 uploaded - Comparators. Two new videos added, one about current sources and sinks and one about designing an Op-Amp comparator circuit (also on YouTube)
19th December: Lesson 9 uploaded - potential dividers. New PowerPoint added and webpage updated. Links on documents updated
22nd November: Lesson 8 uploaded - Series and Parallel resistors. New PowerPoint added and webpage updated
10th October: Lesson 7 uploaded - Power and Energy. New videos, IWB and questions with updated webpage and PowerPoint
7th September: Lesson 6 uploaded - Identifying Resistors. New IWB presentation and questions with updated PowerPoint and notes
24th August: Lesson 5 uploaded - multimeters. New PowerPoint added. Videos from previous lessons added to YouTube
13th August: Lesson 4 uploaded - resistance. New IWB presentation and PowerPoint. Resistance and resistors separated as two different pages
4th August: Lesson 3 uploaded - simple circuits. New PowerPoint and documents for simple circuits page
22nd July: Lesson 2 uploaded - components, units and prefixes
22nd July: Units and Prefixes page added. PowerPoint, questions and quizzes added for components and units
10th July: Circuit component page added
6th July: LESSONS section added with the first lesson about electrical safety and domestic electricity
5th May: RC Timing Networks page added
2nd May: npn Bipolar transistor transfer characteristics video uploaded (and YouTube) and menu pages for resources re-designed
30th April: MOSFET page updated to include transfer characteristics and video added (also YouTube)
30th April: Schmitt Inverter page and video added (also on YouTube).
21st April 2020: Zener Diode Calculation IWB added (also YouTube) ... it's been a while
28th May: 4511 Decoder page added and 4510 page updated
27th May: 7 Segment Display page added
12th April: 4510 BCD Counter page added
8th April: Zener diode page added
3rd April: 4026 Decade counter page and video added (also on YouTube). Non-Inverting Amplifier Gain derivation Interactive Whiteboard added (also on YouTube)
12th February: Summing Amplifier IWB added (also on YouTube. Astable page updated to include enable Pin 4. Website format updated
14th January: Non-Inverting and Summing Amplifier videos added along with Inverting Amplifier gain Interactive White Board (also on YouTube)
13th January: Boolean algebra page added. 555 timer page updated
2nd January 2019: Monostable and Astable PowerPoint added. Astable page updated to include mark - space ratio and relaxation oscillator
21st December: Inverting amplifier video added (also on YouTube), PowerPoint presentations added for LEDs, Logic Gates and Logic Circuits. 4000 series datasheets updated
18th December: Summing amplifier page added, index page updated, pdf documents added for electrical safety
18th October: Non-Inverting Amplifier page added and Inverting Amplifier page updated
16th October: Inverting Amplifier page added
9th September: All PowerPoint Presentations updated with new style to ensure all images are free to use
August: Website redesigned
31st May: Zener diode and RC Time Constant videos added (also on YouTube)
5th May: Binary Counter page added
16th April: Binary Counter video added in the resources area
7th April: Binary numbers page added
2nd April: Updated Index, Astable, Bipolar and MOSFET pages
4th Janaury 2018: Logic Circuits page added
20th December: HiFi page updated
18th December: System Diagrams page added
28th November: NAND Gate equivalent logic page added
25th November: Diode page updated with PowerPoint, Power page updated
31st May: Videos about the 4017 Counter, D-type flip-flop and Divide by Two counter all added. Also on YouTube
30th May: Relay PowerPoint added
7th May: Relay video uploaded, also on YouTube. IWB videos for 555 timer calculations uploaded, also on YouTube. Relay webpage added
6th May: MOSFET Webpage and PowerPoint uploaded
17th February: MOSFET as transducer driver Video added, also on YouTube
17th February: Bipolar transistor webpage, video and PowerPoint added, also on YouTube
14th February: Comparator video uploaded, also on YouTube
11th January: LED page added
8th January: Diode video and Regulator video uploaded - also on YouTube
8th January: Power Supply page updated and Power Supply PowerPoint added. Radio page updated and Radio PowerPoint added
7th January: Diode page added.
6th January 2017: Series and Parallel Examples IWB video uploaded - also on YouTube
29th December: Comparator circuit PowerPoint uploaded
23rd December: Voltage regulator page updated, images added to power supply page
21st December: Comparator page updated
16th December: Rectification video uploaded (also on YouTube)
26th October: LED Series Resistor calculations IWB video uploaded (also to YouTube)
26th October: RMS and Peak Voltage video uploaded (also to YouTube)
22nd October: Op Amp overview page updated
21st October: Analogue Signals page updated
18th October: Power Amplifier page added
1st September: Switches and Buttons page added
12th August: 555 Astable video uploaded (also on YouTube)
10th August: Uploaded new D-type flip-flop page
28th July: Updated 555 Summary page
27th July: Three IWB explanations of Bistable circuits uploaded (also on YouTube)
26th July: 4017 Counter page updated
21st July: Updated pin layout page
20th July: Bistable page published & Bistable video uploaded
1st June: A.M. and F.M. video added
31st May: Radio and HiFi pages updated - new layout and text
31st May: This page added
© Paul Nicholls
May 2022
Electronics Resources by Paul Nicholls is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.